In the recent installment of "The State of Disc Golf" series, published to their blog February 4th, Infinite Discs details certain facts and possible conclusions from the 2014 annual survey of Disc Golf including results from controversial questions. The post, titled "'Extracurricular Activities' on the Disc Golf Course–Marijuana," presents a table, breaking down a few types of activities undertaken by respondents such as "Vaping" (Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year for 2014) and "Drinking Alcohol", as well as a column for marijuana use on the course. It also outlines the demographic results and raises questions of the legality regarding pot use with respect to survey respondents. To what ends?
With the sport growing year over year, courses being developed by municipalities at a near record pace, online and other media outlets forming to distribute related professional content and tournament coverage, I have to ask; are the crossroads between a changing cultural norm around pot use, and a leisure sport bent on becoming, as Infinite surveyed, "mainstream", even at odds with one another?
Didn't the NFL just implement a new drug use policy for players caught testing positive for marijuana in 2014?
Hopefully that makes my point. I don't see how disc golf is challenged to resolve these issues any differently than other professional sports, or the mainstream population as a whole. Nor do I think we should divert our energy to resolving them at the expense of bigger issues in the sport such as, (1) making tournament directing more profitable, or; (2) pro touring for elite players economically rewarding; (3) drawing money-flows into media distribution of high drama championship events, and; (4) otherwise.
We're not talking about a toothless Paul McBeth, riddled from his last fix of PCP zombing-up to his mini-marker before sinking a sick putt from 45ft. Ricky Wysocki hasn't been seen lending a syringe to a hooker in the back of a disc golf pro shop, to my knowledge. And Dave Feldberg didn't mule any psychotropic mescaline back from the Australian bush in order to Jim Morrison up the three-rivers Worlds in 2015 (although I'd buy a ticket to that show). As far as common use among casual players, again, what are we talking about here?
There's nothing anyone can do about it. There might be better issues to spend our scarce efforts on. Like what new molds Discraft is going to introduce in 2015. ...ahhhh Infinite beat me to it, "New Golf Discs for 2015." I'm getting a beer.
For more thoughts like these, view OPP (Other People's Posts).
We're not talking about a toothless Paul McBeth, riddled from his last fix of PCP zombing-up to his mini-marker before sinking a sick putt from 45ft. Ricky Wysocki hasn't been seen lending a syringe to a hooker in the back of a disc golf pro shop, to my knowledge. And Dave Feldberg didn't mule any psychotropic mescaline back from the Australian bush in order to Jim Morrison up the three-rivers Worlds in 2015 (although I'd buy a ticket to that show). As far as common use among casual players, again, what are we talking about here?
There's nothing anyone can do about it. There might be better issues to spend our scarce efforts on. Like what new molds Discraft is going to introduce in 2015. ...ahhhh Infinite beat me to it, "New Golf Discs for 2015." I'm getting a beer.
For more thoughts like these, view OPP (Other People's Posts).
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