Monday, July 18, 2016

Skulls S-League Championship Round

This Sunday, July 24th, is the Championship Round of the Skulls S-League at Grey Fox in Silver Lake, WI. Only 5 strokes separate the top two. Players are asked to arrive and check-in by 9:15am. Play will begin at 9:30. Check-in, the barbecue and awards ceremony will be held at one of the shelters near the south parking lot (see map). Ideally we will claim the shelter between holes 12 and 13. Please park in the south lot at the end of the park road.

Schedule: After the league round we will collect the scorecards and begin grilling lunch. While we are cooking players are asked to enjoy a round at Red Fox (9-hole), after which you can return to the shelter - lunch should be ready. During lunch we will hold the awards ceremony and CTPs. After the awards ceremony, players are encouraged to have a casual round at Grey Fox.

OB Rules: Outside the park or completely surrounded by pavement is OB. Hole 1, on or over the road is OB. Hole 13, tee shots on the circle or adjoining pavement will play their second shot with a stroke penalty from a drop zone. Any other OB will play like normal OB, marked from the point it was last in-bounds.

Lunch: Hickory & Applewood Smoked Bacon Sausage, All Beef Hot Dogs, Apple & Gouda Chicken Sausage, Cheese Burgers (or plain), chips, and hopefully Watermelon. I'll have cold bottles of water. If you would like anything else to eat, please pitch-in. You are on your own for beverages. Please try to avoid bringing glass bottles into the park.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Have a great week until then, and send any questions my way. ...Should be an exciting finish.

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