Saturday, January 3, 2015

Review: Gateway Test Fly Series

Over the winter, which sadly just began, I'm collecting feedback from some regular players on ten discs Gateway Disc Sports provided flicdisc as part of their Test Fly Promotion. Each short segment in the series will focus on one disc, how it feels and flies.

Following the test, I'm going to ask the players to return the discs, along with their reporting, and flicdisc will make them available for Recreational Division players at our spring tournament, 2015 Main St Mandatory April 19th at West Main Park in Batavia, IL.

How flicdisc got involved: After reading some about the program on their website, providing the company with the requisite information, and paying for shipping and handling, Gateway sent an interesting set of discs to throw. Many I have never seen in production or aren't readily available in our area.

Note: I'm guessing at some of these plastic blends. Gateway is very selective in the desired balance of characteristics, between firmness and grip, but didn't brand all of the discs. In a few cases, they look like a mix of E and HPP, making the blend hard to determine.

Out of the box: My first reaction is how firm and grippy all of the blends feel. Even after I put the disc in the chains, I can feel the slight tacky resin as I rub my thumb and index finger together. Given It's January, I'm certain we'll be able to report on wet and dry, as well as cold performance. From the start, I'm thinking grip will not be an issue.

For more information, view

Proto Devil Hawk 175g (Blue)
Proto War Spear 175g (Salmon)
Proto Shaman 175g (Salmon)

Fairway Drivers:
G1i Sabre 174g (White)
E-Series Assassin 175g (Orange)
E-Series Apache 171g (Green)

High-Speed Drivers:
E-Series Samurai 170g (Cream)
Evolution HPP Slayer 169g (Yellow)

Mid-Range Drivers:
Element 175g (Orange)
E-Series Mystic 180g (Yellow)

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